asset management
Complete Digital Asset Management
Centralise your entire digital asset portfolio.
No need to use external file sharing sites with iCentric
Why you need Digital Asset Management
The cornerstone of any successful business is brand education. Prospects need to know about your business products and services quickly and clearly in a digital format.
From product and service brochures, specification sheets, product photography and press releases, to advertising materials, promotions, proposals, quotations, spreadsheets, and reviews, this information can be stored in multiple assets across different teams in your business. These assets combined give your brand strength, and we know prospects buy from the strongest brands.
Within most organisations this information is fragmented and disorganised, often stored in someone’s desk drawer or on a CD somewhere. It is difficult to ascertain the most recent revision, keep control or share assets. Furthermore, just when someone needs a key asset, to maybe close a deal, it can’t be found or worse the wrong asset is used.
Imagine centrally storing every digital business asset, with controlled, audited user access, in an organised, scalable system across your enterprise? Welcome to iCentric Asset Management.
iCentric Asset Management is a cloud-based system for organising, storing and then retrieving your company brand assets, as well as managing user access permissions.
Give your business the best chance of winning in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Simplify your process: identify, locate and retrieve any asset across your enterprise 24x7.
iCentric Asset Management is a standard integrated component of the iCentric platform. This means all your assets are also available to use in your Websites, Intranets, Email Marketing and more.
All of your digital assets - Where you need them
Easy management
Access your entire digital asset library from anywhere at anytime
Key benefits
Reduce the time taken to bring new marketing campaigns to market.
Eliminate the cost of lost work and accelerate creativity and production cycles.
Maintain brand consistency and improve access and collaboration to critical assets.
Key features
Each time an asset is modified, a new version is created. All previous versions can be viewed and restored as the latest version.
Linking assets allows you to group variants of the same asset, for example a sales brochure may have both high and low resolution versions in different formats.
Clone assets into versions for international use, with translated titles, captions and other meta content.
All assets can have permissions assigned, to control who can view, edit, download or delete. Asset locking may be used to prevent others from editing an asset, while you are in the process of editing.
View reports on asset downloads including where they were downloaded from and who downloaded them.
iCentric automatically indexes documents when they are uploaded, to allow searching within textual content. In addition, all assets can be assigned categories from iCentric's taxonomy system, for fast filtering and searching.